
Showing posts from May, 2021

Automatically updated House Points chart

When I re-built the school website a couple of years ago, one of the things I wanted on the front page was a House Point tracker to help increase the friendly competition between Houses. Every time a student gets positive points (e.g. Praise Points = 2 points, Star Student = 10 points) or negative points (for behavioural issues usually) they add or subtract from the House point total - for anyone unfamiliar with this, think Harry Potter!

Star Wars Art

I thought I'd post something different this week - some of my artwork! As a Star Wars fan (see my profile picture - that is actually me in the armour!) I wanted to try adding some Star Wars into my paintings.

Mentoring Day - Google Forms to Docx reports

This was another fun one brought about by Covid. Every year we have a "Mentoring Day" at the school. On these days, there are no lessons and students only come in (ideally with their parent(s)/guardian(s)) for their pre-booked meeting slot with their tutors to discuss how everything is going and set targets for the rest of the year. With the added complication of them being on remote learning at the time, we couldn't even go through the questions with them easily. So the compromise was to send the questions to the parent/guardians in advance, then on the day they would have a five minute video chat with the tutors to go through their answers and set their goals. To make this easier for the staff, the questions would be sent using Google Forms and then put together into a concise Word document for each student with their answers and targets that could be uploaded to our Student tracker system.